Tools, tests, and triumphs:
Tonia Cassanova energetically
keeps the power flowing


Meet Tonia

Growing up in the cool, clean air and hills of Manchester, Jamaica, Tonia Cassanova, Field Service Supervisor, became handy with tools and machinery from an early age.

“I had an adventurous childhood,” she says. “With three older brothers who were often forced to take me where they went, it was inevitable that I became ‘one of the boys.’ I learned early how to drive, often behind the wheel of my father’s Land Rover.”

NFE employee

Indeed, she credits her father as the greatest influence in her life – the person who constantly tested her and shaped her growth.

“My dad taught me all the important lessons: honesty, independence, and how to manage people and businesses,” she recalls. “His lessons didn’t come with a manual! I did not understand some of them until I was an adult, but these lessons have become my roadmap to life.”

At 16, Tonia spent a summer working with her father’s company, which did general contracting work for the local bauxite plant. She saw everything from civil works to electrical and mechanical installations, but enjoyed the hands-on challenge of mechanical installations the most.

Reflecting on her proudest moments, Tonia recalls April 4, 2016 – her first day at New Fortress Energy, and the day she became the first female operator at our Montego Bay Terminal. She was later part of the team that executed Jamaica’s first ISO plastics flex test run.

Eight years later, Tonia’s daily responsibilities range from helping during the construction and commissioning of new small-scale sites, to monitoring and maintaining the sites after commissioning, to training new drivers to offload trailers to storage tanks.

She also helps new customers and their employees understand how to operate and maintain the equipment at their facility to keep the liquefied natural gas powering their operations.

NFE employee

It’s the kind of work that has earned her the reputation of being honest, selfless, and dependable.

“I love to see the movement of a project as milestones are completed, and that feeling on the successful completion of a project as you look forward to the next one,” she says.

Tonia values the leadership she sees here.

“I like that our CEO and Founder, Wes Edens, is very much part of our company,” she says. “He is part of every vision and keeps us looking forward, ensuring we’re a vital part of the global energy business that is always implementing innovative solutions to bring us to markets around the world.”

Outside of work, Tonia's dreams reflect her adventurous spirit, from her dreams of a world cruise to a seaside retirement home with a mountain view. And it's her ability to give back to others that truly powers her with positive energy.

"When I can assist or share with others that are less fortunate, it adds radiance to my life," Tonia says. "Bringing joy and happiness to others gives me positive energy and a peaceful vibe."