Where are NFE scholars today? Spotlight on Alexa Williams


Our scholars
are doing remarkable things

The New Fortress Energy (NFE) Foundation scholarship awarded to Alexa Williams in 2018 encouraged her not only to complete her law degree from the University of the West Indies Mona with high honors, but to focus on her own goals while she and her family supported her sister through multiple medical challenges. Alexa is now headed to Norman Manley Law School to earn her legal education certificate to practice law throughout the Caribbean region. We are honored to have supported Alexa so she could pursue her career in helping others! 

Alexa Williams

A letter from Alexa

"I recently received my final grades for my Law degree. It is my pleasure to tell you that I will now be graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona, with an LL.B with Upper Second Class honours.

I think it is therefore in order for me to express my gratitude to the New Fortress Energy Company, for awarding me a scholarship at the beginning of my second academic year, which not only assisted greatly with the payment of my tuition fees but which also kept me motivated.  

As indicated to the Scholarship Committee, my sister was diagnosed with two chronic illnesses in 2014 and had to do surgery and continues to receive treatment for her illnesses. It was therefore necessary for her to move overseas given the supportive health care facilities for the aforementioned specific health challenges. This meant that the high costs for tuition fees as an international student presented unforeseen and unplanned for additional demand on our family’s budget.  

As a result, my parents were quite challenged in meeting my university costs also, when I enrolled simultaneously at the UWI.  I was therefore extremely grateful that the Committee considered my special circumstances and awarded me the scholarship, which has been very helpful in supplementing my parents’ resources.   

I'm pleased with my results and acknowledge that this may not have been possible without your assistance. Therefore, once again I must express my sincere gratitude to the New Fortress Energy Company for assisting in making my dreams of completing my law degree a reality. I now plan to further my education by attending the Norman Manley Law School for the next two years in order to obtain my Legal Education Certificate which will allow me to practice law in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. 

Please also convey my heartfelt gratitude to the CEO, Mr. Edens. 

Yours truly,

Alexa Williams"