2022 Sustainability Report
Protecting the environment & investing in communities
At New Fortress Energy (NFE), our goal has always been, and continues to be, to provide clean, reliable, affordable energy to those who need it most, everywhere around the world. By doing so, we believe we can work toward reducing energy poverty while accelerating the transition to clean energy.

2022 Sustainability Report
Our 2022 Sustainability Report highlights our progress toward building a more sustainable and responsible future. Never has the need for more – and cleaner – energy been more apparent than in 2022. The conflict in Ukraine led to significant disruptions in energy supply, affecting many parts of the world. Even traditionally well-resourced areas, such as Western Europe, suffered from blackouts and sky-high energy prices. NFE helped mitigate this crisis by chartering one of our Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRUs) to a terminal in the Netherlands, thus providing critical regasification infrastructure to allow the import of natural gas (in the form of LNG) from outside of Russia. This challenging situation and its impacts highlight the urgent need for energy around the globe, but especially in more vulnerable and less energy-rich geographies. Our mission is now more critical than ever.

Throughout 2022, we made progress on a number of long-term goals, including:
Expanding access to cleaner energy: We progressed the integration of NFE’s Fast LNG (FLNG) technology to enable global delivery of low carbon fuel, LNG, to meet growing demands for energy. We also continued investment in and development of our hydrogen division, Zero, as well as other hydrogen projects. Additionally, we oversaw the operational startup of a bio-LNG project to broaden our range of low-carbon technology offerings.
Improving our GHG profile and reporting: While continuing to grow our business, we reduced our operating carbon intensity by 60% year-over-year. We evaluated and implemented practices to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. We also added climate change risk and opportunity analyses and a preliminary climate scenario analysis to our Sustainability Report, per The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Preserving our environment: For the fifth consecutive year, we achieved zero reportable spills to the environment. We are committed to doing even more to preserve our environment, which is why we also enhanced our leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs at applicable operating sites and piloted an NFE-community emergency response initiative in Jamaica.

Protecting our people: For 2022, we achieved zero significant health and safety incidents, maintained our injury frequency rate below industry average globally, and maintained zero fault-based driving accidents. We also enhanced our near-miss reporting and safe work observation program and formalized our operational training and integration program through the launch of NFE University.
Expanding work opportunities and engaging employees: We created 226 jobs, with local hires accounting for 89% of new and replacement hires in non-U.S. NFE operating locations. We also expanded our summer internship program across all our markets to more than 30 students. Additionally, to support our employees’ continued career growth, we launched NFE University, a continuous learning platform. We also continued to train all employees in our non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, fostering a safe and supportive work environment.
Investing in communities: We continued to invest substantially in education, workforce development, and community well-being in the areas where we operate. These efforts included awarding 284 scholarships; engaging 167 engineering students in tours, internships, and webinars; providing school supplies to 3,237 students; and providing medical and dental exams to 540 children across our operational boundaries.
Maintaining our commitment to ethical business practices: We conducted comprehensive in-person compliance training for all employees and improved our third-party due diligence program. We also implemented new compliance policies and revised existing policies as part of our continuous improvement efforts.
Sustainability filled stories
Mariana Schaedler utiliza la energía positiva para hacer del mundo un lugar más verde
Planteamos la idea de GNLF y la convertimos en nuestro enfoque para el futuro
Operar con honestidad, transparencia y la más alta ética
Fomentar la inclusión, el compromiso y el crecimiento en el lugar de trabajo
Comprometidos con la responsabilidad social corporativa para nuestro negocio y personas en todo el mundo
Estamos usando energía positiva para mantener nuestro medio ambiente más limpio y verde
Estamos utilizando energía positiva para combatir el cambio climático
Matt Reinhard se ocupa de los negocios con la más alta ética